Superdrug’s Vitamin E Skin Care Range

Superdrug’s Vitamin E range caught my eye when I was scanning their skincare section for something that would banish my dry skin. As their products are targeted towards ‘normal to dry skin‘ claiming ‘12 hour moisturisation‘, I thought at such a cheap price they were definitely worth trying out and so I ended up buying a day and a night cream from the range. 




I was especially excited about trying out the day cream as it said it contained light reflecting pigments and as a big fan of the dewy look, I was hoping it would add an extra glow to my skin. After trying it out, I found this was definitely the case. It contains the tiniest shimmering particles and when you apply it to your face, provides a lovely healthy sheen to the skin. I’ve been applying this before my foundation and I love the illuminating effect it provides as well as improving the dryness of my skin. I would never wear a moisturiser during the day that didn’t have an SPF so the added bonus of SPF 15 makes me love this even more.

I’m also really liking the night cream from the range. It makes my face feel super soft and I’ve noticed my skin doesn’t feel as dry as it normally does the morning after using it. Both moisturisers have a light formula which I prefer as I’m not a fan of using thick moisturisers on my skin, especially because I’m unfortunately prone to the odd spot and feel heavy moisturisers can aggravate this! They also claim to shield your skin against environmental damage and premature skin ageing – I haven’t been using the products long enough to comment on this but if it is true, then for £2.99 they seem like little wonder products to me!

Have you tried any products from this range? Or do you know of any good moisturisers for dry skin?
